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  2. teamecho in action

What routines can you establish with teamecho?

Finding the right routine is not always easy. These best practices are designed to help you find the routine that suits you best.

How routines can be established and maintained with teamecho

  1. Set regular intervals
    The key to a successful routine lies in regularity. Find the feedback interval that works best for you and fits the needs of your team. There are different intervals, each offering unique benefits:

    • Biweekly: Ideal for regularly gauging the team’s mood and quickly addressing potential issues.
    • Quarterly: Suitable for gathering strategic feedback on long-term projects or initiatives.
    • Annually: Perfect for comprehensive reviews and planning improvements for the coming year.
  2. Use feedback to set concrete actions
    For a routine to be truly effective, the feedback should be discussed regularly and turned into concrete actions. Here are some tips on how to best integrate the insights gained:

    • Team meetings: Discuss the results in regular team meetings. This gives your team the sense that their feedback is being heard and acted upon.
    • Management meetings: Issues that affect the entire company should be discussed in regular management meetings. This ensures that important impulses are integrated into the company's strategy.
    • Set OKRs: You can capture larger issues and strategic goals in your OKRs (Objectives and Key Results). This helps you focus on long-term improvements.
    • Respond directly in teamecho – provided your team has enabled comment responses.
  3. Link HR routines with teamecho
    The HR department can use teamecho to focus regularly on specific topics. Quarterly focal points allow for systematic analysis of feedback and the derivation of targeted actions:

    • Set priorities: As an HR team, set quarterly goals based on the feedback, for example, in the areas of employee development or satisfaction.
    • Implement actions: Use the feedback to introduce new programs such as training or employee development initiatives.

How can you anchor a teamecho routine in everyday work?

To make routines work in the long run, it’s important to integrate them firmly into the workday. Here are some steps to help you achieve this:

  • Clear schedule: Decide when and how often feedback will be collected. Make sure the intervals are reliably adhered to, for example, every second Tuesday or at the end of each quarter.
  • Regular discussions: Incorporate the feedback results into team and management meetings. This ensures that feedback is not only collected but actively used.
  • Document goals: Use the insights gained to define OKRs and develop long-term strategies based on the feedback. This helps you stay on track and make progress measurable.

Conclusion: How teamecho supports your routines

With teamecho, you can create routines that regularly engage your team and enable continuous improvements. Whether you opt for a biweekly, quarterly, or annual interval, the important thing is to actively use the feedback and integrate the results into daily work. This ensures you get the most out of the feedback and foster a long-term successful team.