Best Practices: Increasing Engagement

Multipliers are individuals in your company who are passionate about teamecho and recognize its value. When used effectively, these multipliers can significantly boost engagement in teamecho.

In this article, you'll learn how to establish multipliers and explore additional strategies to encourage participation in surveys. We will cover the following topics:

1. Establishing multipliers in the company

2. Multiplikatoren als Ansprechpersonen

Leaders as multipliers

Team members as teamecho guides

3. Additional strategies to increase engagement

1. Clearly communicating the benefits

2. Implementing gamification elements

3. Actively fostering a feedback culture

4. Integrating teamecho into existing processes

Establishing Multipliers in the Company

To ensure long-term success, multipliers should be deliberately embedded within the company. These individuals believe that feedback is essential for improving the work environment. Ideally, they possess the following qualities:

  • Extensive experience in the company or high credibility
  • Enthusiasm for teamecho and its benefits
  • Willingness to actively share their insights
  • A trusted position within their team or department

However, new employees or leaders can also serve as multipliers. Fresh perspectives can help optimize the use of teamecho. ๐Ÿค“

Multipliers as Points of Contact

Multipliers typically advise their peers, meaning leadership multipliers support other leaders, while team member multipliers assist their colleagues. This creates a safe space for questions and discussion, reducing uncertainty and strengthening trust in teamecho.

Leaders as Multipliers

A real-world example: A leader has been using teamecho for several weeks, is excited about it, and wants to share their experiences. The management team designates them as a contact person for other leaders, and they proactively reach out to colleagues at different locations. They offer brief meetings to share best practices and help overcome challenges. In these sessions:

  • An honest and open exchange occurs between leaders
  • New ideas emerge on how to better integrate teamecho into meetings
  • The multiplier leader is recognized as an internal expert, adding value to their role

Team Members as teamecho Guides

Another company applied the multiplier concept at the employee level. In each team, teamecho guides were appointed to serve as the first point of contact for questions. These guides received targeted training to:

  • Answer common concerns about anonymity and registration
  • Provide tips on writing constructive comments
  • Clarify how HR and management handle feedback

With the support of teamecho guides, team members feel more secure knowing that their feedback is taken seriously and acted upon.

๐Ÿ’ก Tip: Sometimes, simply highlighting engaged colleagues can make a difference! Creating short videos where they share their experiences with teamecho can be an excellent way to encourage participation. ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ˜Š Collaborate with your employer branding specialists to bring this to life.

Additional Strategies to Increase Engagement

Beyond multipliers, there are various ways to boost participation in teamecho surveys:

1. Clearly Communicating the Benefits

Employees should understand why their feedback matters and how it impacts the organization. Useful methods include:

  • Regular updates on changes implemented based on feedback
  • Success stories showcasing how teamecho has solved problems
  • Transparent communication of survey results in team meetings

2. Implementing Gamification Elements

A playful approach can boost motivation. Examples include:

  • Small competitions between teams to improve participation rates
  • Rewards for teams that provide particularly constructive feedback
  • Internal challenges with visible progress (e.g., a โ€œFeedback Team Bingoโ€ (only german)  with small teamecho-related tasks or a quarterly challenge where teams compete in participation rates, constructive feedback, and action implementation).

3. Actively Fostering a Feedback Culture

When leaders and HR actively engage with feedback, employees are more likely to contribute. Key actions include:

  • Quick responses to comments and questions
  • Open discussions on relevant topics
  • Recognition of valuable contributions

4. Integrating teamecho into Existing Processes

To make teamecho a natural part of company culture, it should be embedded into regular meetings and routines:

  • Regular reflection rounds after surveys
  • Using survey results as a foundation for team discussions
  • Collaboratively developing action plans based on feedback


Multipliers and teamecho guides are valuable assets in sustainably increasing engagement with teamecho. Through targeted training and clear role definitions, they can foster trust and promote the platformโ€™s use. When combined with transparent communication, gamification elements, and integration into existing processes, these efforts encourage employees to actively participate in surveys and contribute to meaningful organizational improvements.