Here you can read how to register with TeamEcho if you do not have a personalized company email address.
Don't have a personal email address in your company? An administrator or your team leader can also add you to your TeamEcho team with a username.
Attention: Team members without email addresses cannot be reminded of new surveys or informed about new comments. Alternatively, you can provide your team leader with your private email address for registration - if you agree, of course.
Once created, you will receive your username (we recommend e.g. Name-Surname.Company-XY) and a one-time password from your team leader or an administrator.
Registration with one-time password
Go to, enter your personal username in the login window and click on "Continue":
Now enter the one-time password you received from your team leader or an administrator and click on "Log In":
In the next frame you have the possibility to choose your personal password and your language settings. Only with a personal password your account is secure, because only you can access your TeamEcho account:
With a click on "Save" you are successfully registered and can start using TeamEcho right away - we wish you a lot of fun and good feedback exchange!