How do I get registered in teamecho?

This article discusses how to register in teamecho and how your first survey will work.

1. Email & link to teamecho website

You will receive an email with the subject: "Congratulations, <company name> is now using teamecho." Click on the link in the mail.

Have you not received an email or one of your team members hasn't received an email? Learn how to add new team members to teams here.

Do you want to register your company with teamecho? Then take a look at our tutorial video!

2. Password & login

You will now be redirected to the teamecho website. Your email address is already pre-filled, you just need to choose a personal password.

If you have already registered in teamecho in the past, you will be redirected to the login page and this step will be skipped. If you forgot your password, you can click "Forgot password" on the login page.

3. Fill in & give feedback

Now you can participate in the anonymous short survey with a few clicks. Take the opportunity to offer your opinion.

It is especially helpful for your manager if you add a comment to your answers. You can find out how to write impactful comments here.

4. Evaluate & view results

With a click on "Send survey," you will automatically be forwarded to the evaluation of your team.

If there are too few responses at the moment, a message will appear at the very top of the page. By default, the evaluation is automatically visible once at least 5 individuals participated in the survey. This way, the anonymity of all team members is maximally guaranteed.

Do you want to create your first team? Then read on in this article.