How to Get Started with teamecho as a Leader

Welcome to teamecho! As a leader, teamecho helps you capture your team’s mood, identify challenges early on, and celebrate successes.

View First Results

To see results in the dashboard, a minimum number of team members must participate. You can find this number as “required number of responses” in the team settings.

Actively Use the Results

Engage with the feedback to show your team that their input is taken seriously. Here you can find a few ways to do this:

  • Answer to Comments
    If you have access to view and answer to comments, use this opportunity to provide direct feedback and show appreciation. Note that team members need permission to read comments to see your answers - if necessary, contact your admin for more information.

  • Create Entries in the Newsfeed
    Share successes and derived measures in the Newsfeed if you have access to this feature.

  • Direct Communication
    Discuss feedback in team meetings to collectively address successes, actions, and challenges.

Respect the Anonymity

Anonymity is a core principle of teamecho. Respecting this aspect fosters the willingness to participate. For complex topics, consider asking for personal feedback without pressuring employees to reveal who has authored specific comments.

Motivate Your Team to Participate

Explain the value of teamecho and the importance of regular feedback to your team. An open team culture and reviewing results together increases participation and demonstrates that their input truly makes a difference.

Starter Kit for Leaders

Use our Starter Kit for leaders, which includes checklists and templates for a successful rollout.