Emails from

Are you wondering which emails teamecho sends and how you can manually trigger email dispatch? In this article, you'll find everything you need to know about the different scenarios.


You and your colleagues receive several automated teamecho emails, inviting you to participate in surveys, notifying you about new comments in your teams, and more.

You can adjust which notifications you want to receive in your personal account settings. However, when it comes to survey invitations, these will always be sent to you automatically.

Survey invitations can either be triggered automatically by the system or manually by an admin.

The following automated invitation emails are sent (click to preview the email):

Good to Know: Admins, team leads, or department managers will be informed if emails cannot be delivered to certain users.

We've summarized the possible reasons for undelivered emails here.

Welchen Mail Versand du als Admin auch manuell anstoßen kannst und wie du dabei genau vorgehst zeigen wir dir im nächsten Absatz. 

Manual emails triggered by admins

Admins also have the option to manually send survey invitations. This can be helpful, for example, if you have a low response rate or if new colleagues should be invited to participate in an ongoing survey. Here’s how you can notify your team members via 🤓

Here’s an overview of the scenarios:

Invite new team members to ongoing surveys

Organizations experience turnover throughout the year, with employees joining and leaving. New team members must also be added to teamecho. Automatic invitations are not sent immediately to newly added members, even if there’s an ongoing survey.

New team members will only be invited to the next survey.
If you still want to invite new team members immediately, you’ll need to add them to the relevant team manually.

Click on "My Organization" > "Teams". Select the relevant team, then click on the three dots ("Edit Team"). Add new users under Team Members and check the box "Immediately send invitation emails for ongoing surveys to new members in this team".

Send invitations to all unregistered users

Sometimes, there may still be some pending registrations in your teams. For anonymity reasons, you won’t see exactly who hasn’t registered, but you can send another invitation to the affected users.

Click on "My Organization" > "Teams". Select the relevant team, then click on the three dots ("Send Invitations to...").

A pop-up will appear where you can check the relevant box and confirm by clicking "Invite Now".

Pro Tip:
If multiple teams have pending registrations, consider asking:

"What do you need to start using teamecho?"

Sometimes there may be concerns or doubts about anonymity. As an admin, you can help address these.

Send reminders for ongoing surveys

As an admin, you likely check your results frequently and keep an eye on response rates. If participation is still low, you have the option to send reminders for ongoing surveys.

Navigate to "My Organization" > "Survey Planner". In the active survey plan, click on the three dots ("Resend Invitation").

A pop-up will appear where you can confirm by clicking "Send Invitations".

This will send an email notification to all team members who haven’t yet participated in the current survey. (This includes users who haven’t registered yet.)