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  2. Question sets, event markers, profile

How do I choose the appropriate question sets?

TeamEcho thrives on feedback. Using the right question sets is the first step to asking for targeted feedback. Here you can learn everything about the right selection of our intelligent question sets.

As an administrator or as a team leader with editing rights, you can add new question sets to your teams at any time. For all question sets and focus question sets, TeamEcho always asks the right questions at the right time. The intelligent algorithm helps to ensure that each survey round contains only a few questions, but covers all important areas - read more about this in this article.

Smart, contextual, open-ended follow-up questions are asked on all questions - so all team members can provide qualitative answers as well as quantitative feedback. The visibility of these comments depends on your company's visibility settings.

All TeamEcho question sets can be played in different intervals. You can choose between

  • weekly,
  • bi-weekly, and
  • four-weekly.

Which interval is right for your team depends primarily on your individual communication speed and culture. Do your teams have regular meetings? These intervals can be a good indicator for your survey intervals, because TeamEcho results can then be discussed together in these meetings. 

Read here how to start surveys.

Learn how to change survey intervals here.

Do you use FreeTeam? As a FreeTeam user, you can use our compact TeamEcho Insights Light question set.

Which question set is right for my team?

TeamEcho offers a variety of question sets that address specific challenges with different focal points. For all question sets, the surveys are developed and scientifically validated on the basis of the latest scientific findings in work and organizational psychology and relevant standards (especially DIN EN ISO 33430). 

In any case, it is recommended to enable a good basis for the joint feedback. The "TeamEcho Insights" question set is best suited for this purpose, as all success-critical and central topics are addressed in these short surveys. That's why teams start with TeamEcho Insights as standard. Based on this, depending on your individual challenges, you can start specific focus question sets or even individual surveys and ad-hoc surveys in the teams.

Contact us if you are interested in additional question sets for your teams - our Customer Happiness Team always has valuable tips at the ready!