What is teamecho Insights Light?

As a FreeTeam user, you start with our teamecho Insights Light question set. Find out what this question set can do here.

With the free FreeTeam from teamecho, we enable companies to get started with regular feedback in a simple and unbureaucratic way. This way, potentials and challenges can be discovered quickly and a basis for growing together is created - so that everyone enjoys going to work.

Are you a teamecho customer and would like to know which of the different question sets best suit your team?

Read on to our gold-standard teamecho Insights here.

Here you can find out everything about our versatile focus question sets!


teamecho Insights Light - the standard in our FreeTeam - is structured accordingly. It is based on the latest findings in work and organizational psychology, which are mapped in 20 questions and five categories.

As with all teamecho question sets, you can choose between the following intervals:

  • weekly
  • bi-weekly
  • four-weekly

The short surveys are then played out fully automatically at your chosen interval - so your team always gets the right questions at the right time.

Interested in how teamecho selects the questions? Click into this article and learn more about the intelligent teamecho algorithm.

Which interval is right for your team depends mainly on your individual communication speed and culture. Existing meetings are a good indicator for your survey intervals, because teamecho results can then be discussed together in these meetings.

Read here how to start surveys.

Learn how to change survey intervals here.

Inside teamecho Insights Light - The Categories

teamecho Insights Light contains questions on the very most important topics of employee satisfaction. Unlike our standard teamecho Insights, the Light question set collects feedback in a slightly shortened form - for a quick and easy start.

A total of 20 questions are available in the following five categories:

Satisfaction & Motivation  

Motivated, satisfied employees perform better at work. This category gives an overview of those aspects in which motivation and satisfaction show themselves.

#satisfaction #employee retention #intention to stay #employer recommendation


Positively designed teamwork is one of the most important resources and motivating factors for employees and therefore a key prerequisite for motivation, health, and performance.

#cooperationwithcolleagues #appreciation #support #informationflow

Work Activity

Work motivation and satisfaction arises above all when work tasks are varied and meaningful, freedom is given, requirements are clear, and the workload is manageable.

#work activities #workload  #role clarity #variety 


People who are able to fulfill their potential retain ambition and commitment to their work. A sense of achievement motivates and helps to master more difficult tasks with self-confidence.

#development #career opportunities #learning  #success experiences

Organizational Culture

Shared values strengthen commitment to the company. Fair working conditions, an appreciative atmosphere, as well as ecological and social commitment help employees to be enthusiastic about their jobs in the long term.

#culture #values #equal treatment #participation 

Wondering how to interpret your initial results? Here you'll find important tips and ideas for analyzing your feedback!

Would you like to learn more about how you can derive measures from results? Then you've come to the right place!

You are interested in what you should look for when analyzing your results? We recommend reading this article!

teamecho Insights - the full power

You want to have even deeper insights into your company? Then, we recommend an upgrade to our comprehensive teamecho Insights question set.

Here are the key differences:

  • With its 10 categories, teamecho Insights gives you an even more comprehensive picture of all the organizational culture characteristics that are important to your teams' success. Additional categories in teamecho Insights include:
    • Wellbeing & Health
    • Working Conditions
    • Organization of Work
    • Leadership
    • Fit for the Future
  • The full teamecho Insights questionnaire is even better equipped and adjusted to managers' needs, so that they can develop their teams' full potential.
  • The intelligent teamecho algorithm always asks the right questions at the right time. In this way, we ensure that only the most important questions are played out per survey and that only about 2 minutes of time are required.