What Goals Have teamecho Customers Set?

Clear goal setting is crucial to make meaningful use of your teamecho results. Not only does it foster engagement, but it also creates transparency when deriving and implementing actions.

When used effectively, teamecho is a valuable instrument for enhancing employee satisfaction, strengthening company culture, and ultimately promoting business success. However, it requires a shared understanding of the goals: What is the main company objective being pursued with teamecho? Are there goals for different departments? The goals set will naturally depend on the company, but it is essential that your employees can also identify with these goals. Here, we have compiled some of the goals set by other customers for you.

    1. Monitoring Strategic Goals with teamecho
    2. Accompanying Change
    3. Identifying and Improving Challenges

1. Strategic Goals with teamecho

In which strategic areas should improvements be made or monitored? Here are some strategic goals that our customers have set:

a. Monitor Strategic Success Factors Using Selected Categories/Questions

The synergy between customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction is a key strategic success factor. Values such as 'transparency' and 'willingness to act' are also seen as central to achieving a high level of customer satisfaction. Based on this, the organizational development team selected relevant teamecho questions, monitored them continuously, and used actions to try to enhance these values or maintain them at a high level.

b. Employer Branding: Becoming the Best Employer in the Industry

For one of our clients, a strategic goal is to become the best employer in their industry nationally. The teamecho index serves as a key metric for this goal. The index is displayed to everyone on screens (e.g., in the coffee area). Comparing it with the teamecho benchmark reveals how the company stands on certain topics in comparison to other companies.

c. Monitor Strategy Communication

Another client uses teamecho to monitor the gap between corporate strategy and values, as well as their implementation in everyday work. teamecho helps management identify communication gaps and respond quickly to any uncertainties.

2. Accompanying Change

teamecho is often used to accompany change or transformation processes within the company. To effectively apply the insights gained, our clients have set the following goals, among others:

a. Monitoring the Change Process

A client used teamecho to monitor a change process in which three companies were merged. The challenge was mainly to unify different leadership cultures, communication styles, and feedback practices. Using teamecho, the company effectively monitored this change process: As soon as values in a category dropped, questions were immediately raised, and adjustments made to continually optimize the course of the change process.

Did you know about our focus sets for change? Click here to learn more 😎.

b. Identifying and Easing Growing Pains

Growth plans can also be considered a form of change. Experienced executives know that this process often comes with growing pains. Therefore, one customer used teamecho with the goal of quickly identifying and alleviating growing pains. As part of this, a feedback monitoring system (label management for comments) was developed, making these growing pains visible to leadership. As a result, this customer not only managed to be perceived as an attractive employer during this growth phase but also reduced employee turnover through regular monitoring of satisfaction.

3. Identifying and Improving Challenges

Of course, a classic goal with teamecho is to identify challenges and respond quickly. You can read here how other customers have done this and tailored it to their needs:

a. Improving Collaboration

One company faced a challenge in cross-team collaboration between two departments. Therefore, the goal was set in these two departments to increase the value of “collaboration with colleagues” through targeted actions (the value was determined internally). Departments with high scores in this category were surveyed (using ad-hoc surveys) to generate internal learnings and apply them to other areas.

b. Promoting Health

From time to time, companies struggle with the health of some employees and the associated absenteeism. One of our clients made "health" a central goal. In teamecho Insights, all relevant questions (mainly from the "Well-being & Health" category) were used for monitoring. By addressing the challenges that arose there (such as stress sources, work-life balance issues, and unhealthy working conditions), absenteeism was reduced, and a healthy and productive work environment was created.

c. Identifying Strengths for Employer Branding

Strengthening Knowledge Transfer: Large waves of retirements can have significant impacts on companies (loss of expertise, decline in productivity, subsequent labor shortages, etc.). One of our clients is facing exactly this situation.

About 60% of the workforce will leave the company in the next 10 years. teamecho was used to help managers identify the topics and trends that younger employees value in the company. For instance, through the question "Potential Development," the company realized that older employees pass on a lot of knowledge to younger ones, and they benefit greatly from it. Based on this, the company expanded knowledge transfer efforts and made them more visible externally.

Employer USP: Training and Development: The labor shortage is particularly prevalent in the social sector. One of our clients used teamecho results to identify strengths that matter most to applicants. In addition to collaboration and a family-like atmosphere, the training and development offerings were praised and valued in teamecho. Accordingly, job postings and the website were adjusted, and the training offer was further developed as an 'employer USP.'

Do you know about the eNPS? With this official metric, you can measure recommendations. Click here to learn more 😎.


A well-thought-out strategy for employee surveys fosters a positive corporate culture and helps set and achieve relevant goals. Companies should clearly define actions, ensure engagement, maintain open communication, and remain adaptable to achieve long-term success.

Tip: Sometimes it works wonders to clearly talk about "NON-goals" 😜.

For instance, teamecho should not be used as a surveillance tool for managers, nor as a complaint box for employees.